
Reeder piano
Reeder piano

I had a specific type of spinal cyst that caused me pain in my shoulder and threw off my balance from the time I was 9 until I was 35 (at 35 I finally got over my parents’ “don’t carry your backpack on that shoulder, use both” and saw a doctor and discovered the cyst existed and had caused the clumsiness as well as the pain and had spinal surgery to have it removed). I hadn’t fallen (stumbled yes, fallen no) or given myself a bruise for at least 18 months before that. If you know what that means, great, but I don’t want to describe it for people who don’t know and don’t want graphic injury descriptions). Second degree burns on my foot, and I managed to tie with my best friend for grossest injury pictures (she split her knee open just above the kneecap. Brother-in-law says the dark spots are not cataracts and one cannot even properly diagnose cataracts from the pictures I had.ġ) I fell*, skinning my knee and putting hairline fractures in the top joint of two the three fingers I landed on**, having stupidly flung out my hand to catch me Ģ) banged a magnetic knife block I was moving from one counter to another, dislodging my new, super sharp, titanium-plated knives, sending one into my thigh***, needing 5 stitches, one for each centimeter of knife that entered my leg ģ) dropped a measuring cup filled with almost-boiling broth all down my leg, burning my foot (where it soaked my sock) very badly and my thigh (where my sweatpants hugged the skin) somewhat badly.


I was a bit stiff getting out of bed today and so I am just now finally revving up to full speed. I have two slightly skinned knees, one really skinned elbow, a tenderness in the left breast, because I fell slightly more to my left, and a creak in my neck muscles on the right side.

reeder piano

Maybe it was the new shoes? I’m going to blame the shoes. This time I stumbled on, I don’t know, empty air. No, I didn’t have vertigo and yes, I am reasonably well balanced. I go years without falling and this year I fell twice. I picked myself up, checked the glasses, which miraculously stayed on my face, checked the glasses int he bag, determined that nothing was broken, inside me or outside, and went home. And by fall, I mean I sprawled on my stomach. I went in, it took about 15 minutes – they told me the records were ready but they weren’t, so they promised to email them in violation of HIPPA if I filled out a form – and I grabbed the four pairs of glasses, 2 for each of us, and headed outside, down a slope to my car. My optometrist had previously informed me that I have premature cataracts, so I also wanted my eyeball pictures, because my brother-in-law happens to be an optometrist with a long career and he was pretty sure I didn’t have cataracts.

reeder piano

So I vented yesterday, and then I decided to go by the optometrist and pick up my glasses and Gordon’s glasses. So I go and say things like “The $%*& bank will not release the insurance check because they don’t like how the contractor signed the contract. I go every 2-3 weeks and for an hour I vent to my therapist, because venting to friends and family can only go so far before it becomes taking advantage of their feelings. Yesterday I put on my new sandals and went to therapy. Instead, I will tell you why they are delayed. I was supposed to do all sorts of announcements for the digital appearances today.

Reeder piano